Roslyn Newbound, respected business thought leader and founder of Accuratus, is warning that many small businesses will fail unless they take urgent action to cut costs and adopt on demand services

3 min readNov 19, 2021
Roslyn Newbound, founder and CEO of Accuratus

With lockdowns across parts of the country continuing, respected business advisor, Roslyn Newbound believes the only way many businesses will survive will be to drastically cut costs.

Roslyn Newbound is the founder and CEO of Accuratus Business Advisors, a business dedicated to helping small to medium size businesses to grow through the delivery of strategic advice and business support services.

“Unless business owners act fast, they won’t survive the pandemic,” Newbound said.

“The cost of skilled labour is going through the roof because there is a shortage of workers due to border closures. Many businesses can not afford to compete, let alone meet the ongoing costs of doing business in lockdown.

“An increasing number of businesses are already turning to ‘on demand’ services to re-engineer how they operate and provide services in this challenging environment. Unless many other businesses adopt this approach they are going to go under.”

Newbound is witnessing a surge in the number of businesses cutting internal costs…

